90-day blueprint to succeed in your new data role

Speaker sessions

From solo act to community magnet

Playbook to succeed as the company's first data hire

Mehdi Ouazza

Data eng & Dev Advocate

2 skills that make or break your first 90 days

The data leadership secret nobody knows

Tiankai Feng

Data Governance Lead

Your data is gold, but nobody knows it

Here's how to showcase it's value (without being annoying)

timo dechau

Co-founder, No Slides

Head of data? More like head of headaches

90-day cure without wanting to quit

Vladimir Lagutinskiy

Head of Data

5 first-time data managers mistakes

And how to fix them in 90 days

Christophe blefari

Staff Data Engineer

Get your data team firing on all cylinders

Your 90-day success plan

Ust Oldfield

Head of Analytics

Snackable advice

Zero-2-Ninety Playbook

A handy playbook to answer all your questions

Read now

Super helpful guide for the data folks starting with a new job! The part about building trust and visibility of data team was helpful.

Richard F

Data lead

90-day cheat sheet

1-pager checklist curated from speaker insights & playbook

Download now

How 5X can help

5X is your partner in

winning trust

building credibility

hitting OKRs

We help you

  • Build your data infrastructure or fill up missing parts in your stack
  • Decrease platform spending by up to 50% & improve performance
  • Support data strategy, analytics, data engineering, AI & ML
  • Foster a data-centric culture with business users, enhancing data utilization
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